Understanding Friday Prayers, Procedures, and Virtues

Friday is a special day for Muslims. Friday is called Yawm al-Jum'ah in Arabic, which means the day of gathering. On this day, Muslim men will gather to perform congregational worship in the middle of the day.

Establishing Friday prayers has also been mentioned in the Qur'an in Surat Al Jumuah verse 9, which means,

" O you who believe! When you have been called to pray on Friday, then hasten to remember Allah and forsake trading. That is better for you if you only knew. "

The Friday prayer is obligatory for men and sunnah for women. This worship has great virtue for those who do it, and for those who leave it intentionally, Allah will close their hearts.

It is as mentioned in the hadith of Abu Hurairah and Ibn 'Umar radhiyallahu' anhum, that they both heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam say on the pillars of the pulpit,

" Let the people refrain from leaving Friday or Allah will surely cover their hearts then they will be the heedless ones ." (HR. Muslim).

We already know how important Friday prayers are, but what about the meaning of Friday prayers?

It is important to know the meaning of Friday prayers. Therefore, we will explain further about the meaning of Friday prayers and also other things related to Friday prayers.

Definition of Friday Prayer

Friday is a special day, which has the priority of doing good deeds. The virtue of this Friday is described by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his hadith,

" It is not the sun that rises and sets on a day more important than Friday. " (Narrated by Ahmad, 'Abdur Rozaq, Ibn Hibban, Al Baihaqi).

One of the practices that should not be missed on Friday is the Friday prayer. The definition of Friday prayer is the obligatory prayer activity that is carried out in congregation for Muslim men every Friday.

Another definition of Friday prayer is the prayer of two rak'ahs carried out in congregation, carried out after the Friday sermon, and at the time of Dhuhur on Friday. The law is mandatory for men who have met the requirements.

The definition of Friday prayer is important to know and understand, because there are differences in the implementation between Friday prayers and obligatory prayers in general, such as the sermon before praying.

Terms and Procedures for Friday Prayer

In carrying out the procedure for Friday prayers, there are several conditions that make Friday prayers valid. Reporting from rumaysho.com, the conditions for a valid Friday prayer are:

There is a sermon

Must be done in congregation

Obtained the permission of the public which caused the famous or broadcast Friday prayers.

Congregation of Friday prayer no more than one in one country (village)

While the group of people who are obliged to perform Friday prayers according to the hadith of the Prophet, namely:

  1. Muslim.
  2. Already an adult or baligh.
  3. Not crazy or having other mental disorders
  4. Men (women are not obliged to pray Friday)
  5. Physically and mentally healthy (sick people are not obliged to pray Friday)
  6. Permanent residence or permanent residence or residence (people who are on a long journey are not obliged to pray Friday)
  7. People who are on a long journey are not obliged to perform Friday prayers. This refers to the hadith of the Prophet SAW which means: "For travelers it is not obligatory to pray Friday." (HR. Daruquthni)

For the procedure for Friday prayer, it is actually the same as the procedure for doing the dawn prayer or 2 rakaat sunnah prayers. However, the procedure for Friday prayers and readings is done after the preacher has finished delivering two sermons.

After the khotib descends from the pulpit, the muezzin will recite iqamah as a sign that Friday prayers will begin soon.

Movement for Friday prayer procedures:

  1. Reading the intention of Friday prayers
  2. Takbiratul ihram (Allahu akbar)
  3. Reading the iftitah prayer
  4. Reading surah al-Fatihah.
  5. Reading a short surah
  6. Ruku with tumaninah.
  7. Itidal with tumaninah.
  8. Prostrate with tumaninah.
  9. Sit between two prostrations with tumaninah.
  10. The second prostration with tumaninah.
  11. Stand up again to perform the second rak'ah.
  12. Reading surah al-Fatihah.
  13. Reading a short surah
  14. Ruku with tumaninah.
  15. Itidal with tumaninah.
  16. Prostrate with tumaninah.
  17. Sit between two prostrations with tumaninah.
  18. The second prostration with tumaninah.
  19. Final Tasyahud with tumaninah.
  20. Read the greeting looking to the right and to the left, until the side face is visible behind.

From Abu Hurairah, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

" Between the five daily prayers, between one Friday and the next Friday, it can wash away the sins between them as long as no major sin is committed. (HR. Muslim).

Allah perfects Islam and suffices favors

Allah Ta'ala says,

" This day I have perfected for you your religion, and I have sufficient for you My blessings, and I have pleased Islam as a religion for you " (QS. Al Ma'idah: 3).

Earning a Great Reward.

Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

" Whoever bathes on Friday as a janabah bath, and then goes to the mosque, then he is like a sacrifice with a camel. Whoever comes on the second occasion (time) then he is like sacrificing with a cow. Whoever comes on the third occasion (time) then he is like a sacrifice with a horned goat. Whoever comes on the fourth occasion (time) then he is like sacrificing with a chicken. And whoever comes on the fifth (time) then he is like a sacrifice with an egg. And when the imam has come out (to give a sermon), then the angels are present to listen to dhikr (the sermon) . " (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

Every step towards Friday prayer is rewarded with fasting and prayer for a year

From Aus bin Aus, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

" Whoever bathes on Friday by washing his head and other limbs, then he goes at the beginning of time or he goes and finds the first sermon, then he approaches the priest, hears the sermon and is silent, then every step of his foot is counted as fasting and prayers a year . ” (HR. Tirmidhi)

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