Fasting Rajab: Privileges, Laws, Time and Intentions

The month of Rajab is included in the four noble months for Muslims . This makes the month of Rajab very special so that the various practices carried out in it also have a very high value content, including fasting Rajab . 

This year, the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama ( PBNU ) has announced that 1 Rajab 1443 H falls on Thursday, (3/2/2022). This is because the new moon is not visible so that the month of Jumadal Akhirah is fulfilled to be 30 days. 

Check out the features of the month of Rajab, including the law, timing, and intention of Rajab fasting as reported by NU Online on Friday (4/2/2022). 

The Privileges of the Month of Rajab 

The month of Rajab is a special month. In the book I'anatut Thalibin it is explained that "Rajab" is a derivation of the word " tarjib " which means to glorify or glorify.

 The ancient Arabs honored Rajab more than any other month. Rajab is also commonly called " Al-Ashabb " which means "the one that pours out" or "drip". 

It is so called because of the torrent of goodness in this month. The month of Rajab can also be known as " Al-Ashamm " or "the deaf", because there is no sound of the clatter of weapons of war troops this month.

Allah SWT included the month of Rajab as one of the forbidden months, aka the glorified month. Meaning: Verily the number of months according to Allah is twelve months, (as) in Allah's decree when He created the heavens and the earth, of which there are four forbidden months. (Surat At-Taubah: 36).

Rajab Fasting Law 

Fasting in the month of Rajab is recommended or sunnah. Referring to the explanation of Sheikh Zainuddin Al-Malibari in Fathul Mu'in, the most important month for fasting after Ramadan, namely the months that are glorified by Allah and the Prophet SAW. The glorified months, namely Muharram, Rajab, Dzulhijjah, Dzulqa'dah, finally Sha'ban. 

Rajab fasting time 

Sunnah fasting is recommended to be done as much as possible by Muslims. Fasting can be carried out at any time, other than on the days that are forbidden, namely Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and three days of tasyrik. Rasulullah SAW, as described above, did not fast for Rajab for a month. 

In the book Kifayatul Akhyar, it is explained that the majority of scholars are of the opinion that while they are worried about certain harms or neglecting their obligations due to fasting, fasting for the entire period of time is makruh. However, if it does not bring certain consequences, then it is not makruh. 

Rajab Fasting Intentions 

In fasting, a Muslim is required to intend first. The pronunciation of the intention to fast Rajab is as follows: Nawaitu shauma ghadin 'an ada'i sunnati Rajaba lillâhi ta'âlâ. Meaning: 

" I intend to fast the sunnah of Rajab tomorrow because of Allah SWT ."

 If you have not had time to intend at night, Muslims are still allowed to fast in Rajab as long as they have not eaten and drank since Fajr and are obliged to intend before the time of dzuhur arrives. The intention of fasting the sunnah of Rajab during the day is as follows: 

"Nawaitu shauma hâdzal yaumi 'an ada'i sunnati Rajaba lillâhi ta'âlâ"

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